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St Philips Catholic Church Attack in Anambra State

Following the attack at St.Philips catholic church Anambra State during the weekend.Two eyewitness narrated,how the incident happened and the police revealed cause.Gunman stormed the church Ofufe Amakwa Ozubulu in Ekwusigo LGA Anambra state,on Sunday the 6th day of August 2017.According to an eyewitness; the gunmen went into the church during the 5:45 AM mass and identified a particular man and shot him.The gunmen later went rampage and shot at the remaining source of people were killed in the church while other critically injured,some worshipers died.

Some other peoples saying;There was shower rain that morning,while the presiding priest was ducting mass, i heard bangs, i thought it was thundering,i asked my self what kind of thunder is that.
suddenly look back to see a young man armed with riffle fully killing, shooting and waving his gun at anything on sight.Immediately i saw that, i quickly went down flat on the floor and hid right under the chair.there until the shooting stopped.when i got up i started walking on dead bodies littered all over the church.

The presiding priest, escaped with other serving him, as peoples got up to escaped.when the gun man was reloading his gun.while gun man reopened attack, shooting down many peoples.

How many peoples came to attack on church?

I think it is about 3 or there about.the peoples that carried out this shooting,did it in anyway suggest it could the Fulani herdsmen or Boko Haram terrorist?we are not saying it is them Boko Haram cannot come to very small parish like ours while there are other big highly populated churches,Boko Haram usually targets large population not a small church like ours.

Second eyewitness narrated.

Another eyewitness reportedly said;a clearer version.The gunmen came to assassinate a man native of Ozubulu know as Bishop (Drug Lord) and his father but could't find them in their house same bishop to hunt for their targets on the arrival in the church,they put off.So far 16 casualties have undergone surgeries.

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