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Science Has Found Proof about Existence of God

 Has science Discovered God?
Einstein didn't believe it was possible.But Stephen Hawking said,"it might be the greatest scientific discovery of all time."So what discovery has baffled the greatest scientific minds  of the past century and why has it caused them to rethink the origin of our universe?
New and more powerful telescopes have unlocked mysteries about our universe never before revealed,giving us amazing new scientific insight into the origin of life.
Has science discovered God?Hasn't science proven we don't need God to explain the universe?
What is it about this discovery that is so fundamentally different, and why has it stunned the scientific world?
This discovery along with what molecular biologists have learned about the sophisticated coding within DNA have many scientisit now admitting that the universe and life itself appear to be part of of a grand design."Many scientists,when they admit their views, incline toward the design argument."
Surprisingly,many scientists who was now talking about God have no religious belief whatsoever.what are these stunning discoveries that have scientists suddenly speaking of God?Well there are three revolutionary discoveries from the fields of astronomy and molecular biology that stand out:

The universe had a beginning
The universe is just right for life
DNA coding reveals intelligence
The statement leading scientists have made about these discoveries may shock you.The universe had  a one-time beginning since the dawn of civilization man has gazed in awe at the stars, wondering what they are and how they got there.although on a clear night the unaided human eye can see only about 6,000 stars, Hubble and other powerful telescopes reveal there are a billion-trillion stars clustered in over 100 billion galaxies.In fact, our sun is like one grain of sand amidst the world's beaches.But, prior to the 20th century,the majority of scientists believed our own Milky way galaxy was the entire universe, and that only about 100 million stars existed.Most scientists of the past believed that our universe never had a beginning.They believed that mass, space and energy that compose our entire universe had always existed.But in the early 20th century astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding.Rewinding the process mathematically, he calculated that everything in the universe, including matter, energy, space and even time itself, actually had a beginning. Shockwaves hit the scientific community.Many scientists, including Einstein, reacted negatively.In what Einstein later called "the biggest blunder of my life,"he fudged the equations to avoid the implication that the universe had a beginning.Perhaps the most vocal adversary of the idea that the universe had a beginning was British astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle, who sarcastically nicknamed the creation event a "big bang."He stubbornly held to his steady state theory that the universe had always existed.So did Einstein and other scientists until the evidence for a beginning became overwhelming!The logical conclusion was like the proverbial "elephant in the room" namely that something or someone beyond scientific investigation must have started it all.Then finally, in 1992, the COBE satellite experiments proved that the universe really did have a one-time beginning in an incredible flash of light and energy.Although some scientists called it the moment of creation, most preferred referring to it as the 'big bang.'
Astronomer Robert Jastrow tries to help us imagine how it all began.'The picture suggest the explosion of a cosmic hydrogen bomb.'The instant in which the cosmic bomb exploded marked the birth of the universe.
Everything in the universe came from nothing.
Science in unable to tell us what or who caused the universe to begin.But some believe it clearly points to a creator.British theorist, Edward Milne, wrote a mathematical treatise on relativity which concluded by saying."As to the cause of the universe, in the context of expansion, that is left for the reader to insert, but our picture is incomplete without him."Another British scientist, Edmund Whittaker attributed the beginning of our universe to "Divine will constituting nature from nothingness."

Many scientist were struck by the parallel of a one-time creation event from nothing with the biblical creation account in Genesis 1:1."In beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
Prior to this discovery, many scientists regarded the biblical account of creation from nothing as unscientific.Although he called himself an agnostic, Robert Jastrow was compelled by the evidence to admit,"Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world."Another similar statement came from agnostic George Smoot, the Noble Prize winning scientist in charge of the COBE experiment.He put it like this,"there is no doubt that a parallel exist between the big bag as an event and the christian notion of creation from nothing.Scientists who used to scoff at the Bible's account of creation, are now admitting that the biblical concept of creation from noting has been right all along.Cosmologists, who specialize in the study of the universe and its origins, soon realized that a chance cosmic explosion could never bring about life any more than a nuclear bomb would- unless it was precisely engineered to do so.And that meant a designer must have planned it.They began using words like, super-intellect,"creator," and even "supreme being"to describe this designer.

One Chance 
DNA Language of Life

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