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Prophets Daniel Full Movie in Urdu/Hindi

A Study of the Book of Daniel.
An Introduction to Daniel
The Man.
A.His name"Daniel" means "God is my judge."
B.His personal Life.
He may have descended from a noble family, perhaps he was even a prince, since normally the prominent people of a nation were taken captive(1:3, 6). This would have fulfilled Isaiah's earlier prophecy.(Isaiah 39:7; 2 King 20:18).
He was carried away while a youth, about 15 years old, to Babylon during the third year of jehoiakim (609-558 B.C), along with the other elite young men of judah.
Given the name "Belteshazzar" which meant, may he (or Bel) protect the king, he was instructed in the wisdom and science of the chaldeans.
  • His study was probably in preparation for royal serivce.
  • During that time, he was allowed by his advisor to live on vegetables       and water rather than eating rich food and wine.
  • His dedication made him a better student than his Babylonian counterparts.
He remained steadfast in his devotion to God and distinguished himself by his ability and understanding.
God gave him gifts in the understanding of mysteries and the interpretation of dreams.He used them to interpret two dreams for Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.(Chs 2 and 4).
He was made ruler over the provice of Babylon and chief of the governors over its wise men.
He interpreted writing for Belshazzar, probably the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, and was further honored.(ch.5)
Under Darius the mede, who succeeded Belshazzar, he was one of three presidents of the satraps.(ch.6)
His enemies made an attempt to do away with him and he was cast into a den of lions from which he was miraculously delivered.
  • His opponents, knowing Daniel prayed three times daily to jehovah, had tricked darius into issuing an edict which prohibited anyone from praying to any god or man for 30 days.
  • Though darius rued his command, he could not legally change it and, therefore, had to cast Daniel into the lions,den.
  • Darius believed jehovah would deliver Daniel.After a sleepless night, he arose early in the morning and saw that daniel had been preserved by God.
  • the enemies of Daniel, along with their wives and children, were cast into the den of lions and were immediately consumed.
He continued in high office all of the Babylonian period and remained in office under cyrus, king of the Medo-Persian empire which conquered Babylon(538 B.c)(cf 10:1).
Apparently he did not return to palestine with the jews.Most likely he spent his last days in Babylon.
Daniel  is one of the few well-known biblical characters about whom nothing negative is compromise.This greatly beloved man (9:23 ; 10:11, 19) was mentioned three times.

C.His Prophetic ministry.
 As a prophet,he served from 605-536 b.c.
He was a contemporary of jeremiah (28-586 b.c) and Ezekiel (593-570 b.c), a fellow exile.(cf. Ezekiel 14:20).
Unlike the other prophets, such as Ezekiel who ministered directly to the people, he was primarily God's representative in the king's court of the ruling nation.
Daniel ministered for the full duration of the Babylon was overcome by the medes and Persians in 539 b.c.His prophetic ministry was directed to the gentile courts of Babylon and Persia, as well as to his jewish countrymen.(Nelson'sn235).
D. Author of the book which bears his name.
  • That Daniel is the author of this book has been received both by the Jews and the introduction to the Bible.
  • The authorship and date of Daniel are two of the more contested issues in the field of biblical studies...daniel claimed to write this book (12:4), and he used the autobiographical first person from 7:2 onward.The hewish Talmud agrees with this testimony, and christ attributed a quote from 9:27 to Daniel the prophet(Matt 24:15).
!!. The Date
A. 606-536 B.c or later (1:1 ; 10:1)
B. The events and prophecies of this book cover at least the full length of the 70 year exile in            Babylon form the first deportation of Hebrew captives(2 chor 36:5-8; Dan 1:1-2) to the first return of the captives to their homeland (Ezra 1-2).
C. The events of the Book occurred during the Babylonian captivity, 605-536 b.c.Much of the Belshazzar, and darius the Mede.
Daniel had been in Babylon sometime before the burning of Jerusalem in 536 b.c and the bringing of the last captives to Babylon.the book itself contains no date as to when it was written.it clear, however that the events making up the book occurred over a period of some time.It will be noted, though, that there is no progressive chronology is Daniel.For Example,Belshazzar's tragic end is described in chapter 5, while in chapter 8 Daniel is talking about a to Daniel to go and stand in his lot(12:13) may indicate that he was a very old man when he finished his prophetic work.It is thought that his book was written in its final for, just before the close of the captivity, possibly not long before his death.(Deal 199-200).

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