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Joseph (Yousaf) Full Movie In Urdu/Hindi

In the Bible, Joseph is a prominent figure in the Old Testament. He was the eleventh son of Jacob (also known as Israel) and Rachel, making him the great-grandson of Abraham. Joseph's story is primarily found in the book of Genesis, chapters 37 to 50.

Joseph is famously known for his colorful coat, which was a gift from his father and symbolized favoritism. His brothers grew jealous of Joseph, and their animosity deepened when he shared dreams that suggested his future authority over them. Eventually, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery when he was seventeen years old.

As a slave in Egypt, Joseph served in the household of an official named Potiphar. Despite facing hardships and false accusations, Joseph displayed exceptional wisdom and integrity. However, he was unjustly imprisoned after resisting the advances of Potiphar's wife.

While in prison, Joseph interpreted dreams for two fellow prisoners—a cupbearer and a baker—who had served Pharaoh. His interpretations proved accurate, and he requested the cupbearer to remember him once he was restored to his position. However, the cupbearer forgot about Joseph for two years.

Eventually, Pharaoh had a series of troubling dreams that no one in his kingdom could interpret. At this point, the cupbearer remembered Joseph's ability and recommended him to Pharaoh. Joseph successfully interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine.

Impressed by Joseph's wisdom, Pharaoh appointed him as the second-in-command over Egypt, responsible for managing the grain supply during the years of abundance. Joseph's administration ensured Egypt's survival during the famine, and his brothers eventually came to Egypt seeking food.

Not recognizing Joseph, his brothers bowed before him, fulfilling the dreams Joseph had shared with them years earlier. After testing their hearts and seeing their remorse, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and forgave them. He invited his entire family, including his father and brothers, to settle in Egypt, where they would be provided for during the famine.

The story of Joseph is one of resilience, forgiveness, and God's providence. It highlights the themes of God's faithfulness and the ultimate good that can come from challenging circumstances.

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