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Ezra through Nehemiah Timeline Covers 107 Years | Old Testament Timeline

Ezra through Nehemiah Timeline (covers 107 years)

ZERRUBABEL’S return with 29,818 Israelites to rebuild the temple,23 years.
539 BC Cyrus overthrew Babylon.
Daniel prays (in Ecbatana?) Daniel 9.Cyrus allowed any Jews to return & rebuild temple Ezra 1:2.

537 BC Return of the remnant Ezra 2.
536 BC Zerubbabel goes to rebuild the temple Ezra 3.
Altar built and the foundation laid,
Angel comes to Daniel after 3 weeks of fasting Daniel 10,11,12.
529 BC Cambyses (Cyrus son) succeeds Cyrus , opposition to Jews Ezra 4:1-5.
521 BC Darius Hystaspes takes over the throne Haggai 1:2.
Darius rejects opposition to building; orders Samaritans to stay away Ezra 5-6.
520 BC Ministry of Haggai; Haggai 1:1 on Aug. 29, Haggai 2:1 on Oct.17,
Ministry of Zechariah; Zechariah 1:1 Oct/Nov
Resume building temple Ezra 5.
518 BC Dec. 7, 518 BC, Zechariah 7.
516 BC Temple completed by Zerubbabel Ezra 6:13-18.

Interlude of 31 years: 31 years; Time of ESTHER

Persecution in Susa; Opposition continues in Judea: 27 years.
485 BC Xerxes begins to reign; Samaritans take this chance to file a complaint Ezra 4:6
Xerxes says stop rebuilding of the rebellious city, Jerusalem.
483 BC Xerxes vast display of wealth and banquets Esther 1.
478/9 BC Esther goes to Xerxes and becomes Queen in Dec/Jan Esther 2.
474 BC Esther’s fifth year as queen. On April 17 the execution date set by lot Esther 3:7.
473 BC Jews are to be killed on March 7 Esther 3:12-14.
464-458? BC Artaxerxes says to stop rebuilding the rebellious city Ezra 4:7-23.
Artaxerxes says “this city will not be rebuilt until I so order” Ezra 4:21 (Dn.9:25).
In Artaxerxes’ seventh year he issues the decree to rebuild and restore Ezra 7:12-26 (Dn.9:25).
Ezra leaves Babylon on April 8 to teach the law to the Jews
that have returned; Ezra arrives in Jerusalem on Aug.4 Ezra 7:8,9.
People assemble on Dec. 19; The investigation of intermarriage begins Ezra 10:9-16.
457 BC Committee ends a three month investigation by Mar/Apr Ezra 10:17.
NEHEMIAH leaves Susa w/ King Artaxerxes permission to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall: 13 years.
445 BC Nehemiah leaves to rebuild the walls (Artaxerxes 20th year) Nehemiah 1.
Mar/Apr 445 BC, no walls Nehemiah 2:1.
Opposition to building walls Nehemiah 4.
Oct. 2, 445 BC, walls completed in 52 days Nehemiah 6:15.
Oct. 8, 445 BC, Ezra reads Law to public for first time in thirteen years Nehemiah 8:2
Oct. 9, 445, People celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles Nehemiah 8;13.
Oct. 30, 445, Israel confesses their sin Nehemiah 9.
433 BC Nehemiah is recalled to Artaxerxes after a 12 year absence Nehemiah 5:14;13:6.
432 BC Malachi written.

--------About 458 years of silence from God concerning his revelation -----

26 AD Jesus public ministry begins. Daniel’s 70 weeks
(or, 490 years) are interrupted. They began w/ Artaxerxes’
decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in 458 BC in Ezra 7:12-26.
458 BC + 26 AD = 484 (Daniel’s “69 7’s”, 483 until Messiah). 

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